Monday, May 26, 2008

Flossie's Hummingbirds May 26 2008

This morning we had four groups of birders at Casa Flossie. We were all delighted to see the birds shown below in photographs by our nature photographer Vince Gravel. Additionally, we saw a pair of white- fronted parrots (!) whose range is the Pacific slope from Sonora to Costa Rica. Red lores, red wing patch and white fore-crown identify this green Amazon parrot. Another sighting was the rufous-backed robin.

Violet Crowned Hummingbird

Amazilia violiceps (Colibri/Corona-violeta) L 10 cm. Note the white front, red beak with black tip, and the violet cap. Very common year-round resident of Chapala and northward along the Pacific Sierra.

White-Eared Hummingbird

Hylocharis leucotis. L 10 cm. Resident from Arizona-Mexico border south to Nicaragua. Characteristic is the white stripe behind the eye.

Berylline Hummingbird

Amazilia beryllina L 10 cm. Note: Red bill, Glittering green underparts, rump, tail, and wings are chestnut, Common in Chapala area with range from western Mexico south to El Salvador.

Broadbilled Hummingbird

Cyanthus latirostrisNote red bill with black tip and blue-black forked tail. Dark green above and blue throat. Resident from Sonora to Oaxaca.

Sparkling-Tailed Woodstar - Male

Tilmatura dupontii3.5 inches (9 cm) Note: See how they glide and slide into the feeder. Their undulation is reminiscent of that of a dolphin. Tiny green bird with diagnostic long scissor- tail with white banding--unique among hummers. White spots back spots. Range from Jalisco south to Nicaragua. Stays in Chapala area from late May to mid-June before heading south.

Sparkling-Tailed Woodstar-female

Mrs. Sparkling Tail has the diagnostic white tail-spots but is cinammon color. 2 1/2 inches (5 cm).

Watch for Judy's article on the Woodstars in the June 2008 Ojo de Lago.

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Allen y Judy (Turner y Boyd) Audubonistas de Laguna Chapala
376 766 2759