Lake Chapala Birders
Observadores de Aves del Lago de Chapala
Your hosts John and Rosemary Keeling
If you have reports of interesting bird sightings near Lake Chapala, or need information about birding around the lake, email us at: or phone 376-766-1801
Website: Under Construction | | 163 Species Seen in March |
| Once again we have a super-long list of birds observed during the month. A number of less-usual species were seen by John Roynon, John Keeling and Rosemary Keeling at the east end of the lake, including black-bellied and fulvous whistling duck, willet, whimbrel, black skimmer, and song sparrow. Ryon Johnson saw a tropical parula in Jocotepec. Ruddy duck continues to be seen at the upper Santa Cruz dam, and eastern meadowlark is returning to breed near the pumping station. Note: The song sparrow is always found on or near water, particularly in marshes. Lake Chapala is at the western end of an area stretching across the central volcanic belt of Mexico where song sparrows are found year-round. This area is isolated from other song sparrow populations further north. Note that the song sparrow may be confused with the Savannah sparrow and Lincoln's sparrow. Our website
We are currently constructing a new website for Lake Chapala Birders which we will announce in the next newsletter, so don't be too upset if the old site is not working. |
| Song Sparrow |
| Observed in March at the dike. |
| Upcoming Bird Walks |
| Wednesday April 13 at 8.00 a.m. We will meet at the front gate of Cristiania Park in Chapala. John Roynon will lead us in the park where we can expect to see curved-bill thrasher, golden-fronted woodpecker, Eurasian collared dove and a selection of water birds. At about 10.00 a.m. we will head to Las Delicias for breakfast and prepare the list of sightings. How to get there: from Ajijic, keep going straight at the main traffic light on Madero (the main street). After 5 blocks turn left at the T junction. Park almost immediately on the right.
Tuesday April 26, Cajititlan Marsh. John Keeling will lead a return visit to this great site. Expect to see marsh wren, common yellowthroat, northern harrier and northern jacana. How to get there: we will carpool at 8.00 a.m. in front of Donas Donuts. Driving time is 30 minutes. At 10.15 we will go for breakfast to Los Cinco Potrillos in Ixtlahuacan. |
| March Bird Walk and Trip Reports |
| March 8th, we had 21 birders out at a new location - the Lake Cajititlan Marsh - which turned out to be the best location yet for range of birds. We saw 69 species including a white-tailed hawk (uncommon for our area), sora, king rail, northern harrier, in addition to several ostriches keenly observing us from a nearby field.
March 17th, we returned to the popular Santa Cruz pumping station with 23 birders in attendance. The sightings included crested caracara, little blue heron, orchard oriole, black-backed oriole, American pipit, marsh wren and clay-colored sparrow. Sixty two species were observed that morning.
The Colima Volcanoes were the target of a two day trip at the end of the month by six birders from Ajijic. Sightings included red warbler, buff-breasted flycatcher, lucifer hummingbird, lilac-crowned parrot, slate-throated redstart, grayish saltator, and at 11,000 feet, yellow-eyed junco. |
| March Sightings List |
| These are the 163 species observed in March around Lake Chapala:
Ani, groove-billed Avocet, American Becard, rose-throated Blackbird, Brewer's Blackbird, red-winged Blackbird, yellow-headed Bunting, indigo Bunting, lazuli Bunting, varied Bushtit Caracara, crested Chat, yellow-breasted Coot, American Cormorant, neotropic Cowbird, bronzed Cowbird, brown-headed Cuckoo, squirrel Dove, common ground Dove, Eurasian collared (Jo) Dove, Inca Dove, mourning Dove, white-tipped Dove, white-winged Dowitcher, long-billed Duck, black-bellied whistling (Dm) Duck, fulvous whistling (Dm) Duck, Mexican Duck, ruddy (Cs) Egret, cattle Egret, great Egret, snowy Euphonia, elegant Finch, house Flycatcher, ash-throated Flycatcher, cordilleran Flycatcher, dusky-capped Flycatcher, least Flycatcher, social Flycatcher, vermillion Flycatcher, willow Gnatcatcher, blue-grey Goldfinch, lesser Grackle, great-tailed Grebe, least Grebe, pied-billed Grosbeak, black-headed Grosbeak, blue Gull, laughing Gull, ring-billed Harrier, northern Hawk, gray Hawk, red-tailed Hawk, white-tailed (Cl) Heron, black-crowned Heron, great-blue Heron, green Heron, little blue Heron, tricolored Hummingbird, berylline Hummingbird, black-chinned Hummingbird, broad-billed Hummingbird, rufous Hummingbird, violet-crowned Hummingbird, white-eared Ibis, white-faced Jacana, northern Kestrel, American Killdeer Kingbird, Cassin's Kingbird, thick-billed Kingbird, tropical Kingbird, western Kingfisher, belted Kiskadee, great Kite, white-tailed Meadowlark, eastern (Cs) Mockingbird, blue Mockingbird, northern Moorhen, common Motmot, russet-crowned Nighthawk, lesser Nightjar, buff-collared Oriole, black-backed Oriole, black-vented Oriole, Bullock's Oriole, hooded Oriole, orchard Oriole, streak-backed Parula, tropical (Jo) Pelican, American white Pewee, greater Phoebe, black Pigeon, rock Pipit, American Rail, King (Cs) Raven, common Robin, rufous-backed Sandpiper, least Sandpiper, spotted Scaup, lesser Seedeater, white-collared Shoveler, northern Shrike, loggerhead Skimmer, black (Dm) Sora Sparrow, chipping Sparrow, clay-colored Sparrow, house Sparrow, lark Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow, rusty-crowned ground Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, song (Dm) Sparrow, stripe-headed Sparrow, white-crowned Spoonbill, roseate (Dm) Stilt, black-necked Swallow, barn Swallow, cliff Swallow, northern rough-winged Swallow, tree Swallow, violet-green Tanager, western Teal, blue-winged Teal, cinnamon Teal, green-winged Tern, Caspian Tern, Forster's Thrasher, curve-billed Thrush, orange-billed nightingale Towhee, canyon Tyrranulet, northern beardless (Jo)(Cl) Vireo, Bell's Vireo, Cassin's Vireo, golden Vireo, plumbeous Vireo, warbling Vulture, black Vulture, turkey Warbler, black and white Warbler, black-throated gray Warbler, Lucy's Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Nashville Warbler, orange-crowned Warbler, rufous-capped Warbler, Townsend's Warbler, Virginia's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, yellow Warbler, yellow-rumped Whimbrel (Dp) Wigeon, American Willet (Dp) Woodpecker, golden-fronted Woodpecker, ladder-backed Wren, Bewick's Wren, canyon Wren, happy Wren, house Wren, marsh Wren, spotted Yellowthroat, common Location codes:
Ac - Ajijic: La Cristina/El Bajio At - Trails above Ajijic Av - Ajijic village Ch - Chapala Cl - Lake Cajititlan Cs - Santa Cruz de la Soledad Dm - Dike near Malteraña Dp - Dike near La Palma Hv - Hidden Valley oak forest Jo - Jocotepec Lc - La Cañada Ld - Lerma & Duero rivers Pe - Petatan causeway Po - Poncitlan Pt - San Pedro Tesistan Pz - San Pedro Itzican Rc - Santa Rosa: Carnero dam Rp - Riberas del Pilar Sc - San Juan Cosala Sv - San Antonio/Chula Vista Te - San Juan Tecomatlan Tr - Trails above Las Trojes Tu - Tuxcueca Xl - Ixtlahuacan/Las Campanillas |
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